Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I think a lot of people don't get the difference between not wanting to graduate high school yet and not wanting to grow up.
There's a very noticeable difference between the two. I, for one, am done with high school. I am done with my high school teachers, I am done with my high school system, I am done with the work, I am done with finals, and I am done with high school in general. Don't get me wrong, there are parts of it I enjoy, friends I am sad to leave, and teachers that I really enjoy learning from. Despite this, high school was a chore and I will be glad to be rid of it.
What I don't want to do is grow up. I am not ready for this adult state of mind people keep preaching I need to have. I don't know how to do laundry or bills or those adult things. When I was younger, I always thought that knowledge would just come to you, like magic. I was wrong. If you still have those thoughts, don't listen to them. There's so much that needs to be learned and so much that needs to be taken in, it's scary. It's enough to make me want to be eight again, when I would come home after a long karate class and a good dinner and watch DragonBall Z for an hour and play on my little GameBoy Advance, thinking that this had to be the best it was ever going to get. I want to be able to go to a kiddie park and swing on the swings without getting looks from all the parents there. (And I mean, really, what's wrong with going on the swings now and then? Isn't harming the kids, is it? Weirdo parents. I hope I'm never like that.)
I'm ready for college. But I'm not ready to grow up yet. Is there a compromise? Like, college for eight year olds or something? Someone needs to go invent one of those. I'd pay good money to go to a college like that.
On a completely random note, Invader Zim was the best thing Nickelodeon ever produced. What ever happened to that show, I wonder? Ah, reminiscing. Makes me want to be a kid again even more.