Friday, March 25, 2011

My Very First Blog Post - What an Achievement!

So, after much consideration, I have decided to write a blog on the thoughts I have about my daily life. Many people have told me I need to write more, and even more people have told me I need to think more, so I thought to myself, why not combine both requests into snappy blog posts? Everybody's doing it, right? ( mainstream. So I do one anyways.)
But enough introduction. If you're here for any purpose at all, it's to see what goes on in the little inner workings of my mind. I'll tell you what's going on in my mind right now. Completely ridiculous dreams.
You ever have one of those 'nightmares' where if you take a step back and look at it, you aren't even sure why you got so worked up over it in the first place? Let me tell you about a dream I had last night. In my dream I had about a dozen hamsters, all in one cage, mind you, and I was out of food for all of them. For some strange reason, this tiny thought caused much more grief and panic than the dream I had a couple nights ago when I was being chased around by killer, rabid penguins. I mean, really, it doesn't make any sense at all. Logically, if you are out of hamster food, you go to the store and buy some, right? You don't freak out over it.
I looked up the meaning to this dream on Dream Moods. Apparently to dream about hamsters represents underdeveloped emotions. I am distancing myself from others so I won't get hurt. A lack of food in a dream means I'm hungry.
...just kidding, they didn't have 'lack of food' on Dream Moods. But that's my interpretation of it anyway.
So I'm hungry and apparently repressing myself. What a start to my blogging adventure. I can't wait to go to sleep again tonight.

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