Sunday, August 21, 2011

College Life...

So I've finally moved into my dorm at New Mexico Tech. (And what a process it was.) Between me and my roommate, we've pretty much built ourselves a miniature house. Mini fridge, microwave, TV, our laptops, beds, sink, and all of the personal/school stuff we'll ever need...yep, I think I'll be set for the next semester.

Tech has been having nothing but parties. :P I assume that's going to change in the next couple days when classes start, but so far there have been so many barbecues that I haven't had to pay for a single meal yet! I've met some nice people here and we've been hanging out the past two days. We went golfing yesterday! Even though I suck at golf, it was still really fun, especially when you get to whack a small ball as hard as you possibly can with a giant club. It was stinking hot though, and I'm quite sunburnt on my nose and the back of my legs. (My arms are okay, though, don't know how the heck that happened.)

They have a huge library here...if it's open I'll probably be checking that out today. I could always use more stuff to read.

They also have a huuuuuge campus, at least, to me it is. I'm already getting all turned around. What happened to my tiny high school? D8

I miss everyone in Albuquerque very much, so ya'll better keep in touch so I don't get lonely. :P

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