People have been asking how well I've adapted to college life. Well, here you go, the following paragraphs are an in-depth physical, mental, and emotional evaluation of myself at the present time.
Physical Grade: B-
Physically, I'm probably more fit than I've ever been, considering I have to walk several miles a day just to get to all my darn classes. Plus, the karate class I've been attending has a killer warm-up workout that's murder on my arms and thighs. I wouldn't be surprised if I've lost a few pounds. In fact, I don't think I'm going to have to worry about that 'freshman fifteen' or whatever it is.
The food's pretty good too. Been eating my fruits and vegetables like a good girl, plus copious amounts of ice cream whenever the machine hasn't broken down.
However, I just keep managing to injure myself.
The bug bite count: 14, including five on my back.
Times a random body part has swelled up in the past two weeks: 2 (ankle from spider bite, eyelid from allergies)
Bruises: 7, mostly from karate, one from where I've hit my hand on a table
Amount of times I've cursed the existence of every bug alive within a twelve mile radius of my campus: 176
And that's why my grade here's a B-.
Mental Grade: A-
Got As in all my classes so far. :3 Homework load hasn't been horrible, yet. Labs are the worst, especially the Chemistry one because it's on a Friday from 2 to 4:30. Thank goodness I got out early yesterday, I was so darn tired I probably wouldn't have made it home if I'd left later.
Stress = very yes. Only because of my extraordinary amounts of random injuries.
Mental stability? A-okay. I'm enjoying the life. Not enjoying the people next door who used to blast techno music at 11:30 at night. I believe we've fixed that issue, though. After all, quiet hours start at 10 p.m., so if they continue to break the rules...well, I'll just break the rules and bring martial arts weapons into the dorms.
Random Person: "But Sakintho, two wrongs don't make a right!"
Me: "Maybe they don't, but it sure as hell would feel good to take a bo-staff to their speakers."
Emotial Grade: A+
Happy happy happy! :3 So many awesome people at my college. I can't think of one time where'd I've had to have lunch by myself. Awesome people just keep popping out of nowhere and making me very happy. Plus, they've got an anime club, a Pokemon club, a video game music club...the list goes on. I think I'll be very happy here indeed...
Average Grade: A-
Evaluator's Note: Sakintho's tendency to attract pain needs working on. She also needs to slow down on those ice cream cones and remember always do her homework early.
My Note: 8D
Just keep swimming! You're doin' fine!