Wednesday, August 24, 2011

College Life 2: Mythbusters

So yeah, I saw a Mythbuster yesterday, and my inner geek was very fulfilled.

The Mythbuster I saw was Grant Imahara, and he pretty much acted like he does in the show. He's very personable, a good speaker, and he joked around a lot with the audience. I really liked hearing what he had to say, especially about the history of Mythbusters and his own personal career. He worked on a lot of movie props before joining Mythbusters, the most famous of which being the last three Star Wars movies. He actually got to wear the C-3PO costume to several events in place of the original actors, and he had lots of pictures of himself in the robot outfit. He also worked on the second Jurassic Park movie, the last two Matrix movies, VAN HELSING (HOLY CRAP), and Galaxy Quest, which was a pleasant surprise for me to learn.

We also got some previews of future Mythbuster episodes. (The ones that were filmed at NMT). I can't talk about those though; you'll just have to watch the show! :P

Also, I got a T-shirt, so I'm happy! 8D

The bad news about my college experience is my horrific bug bite. It started out like a normal bug bite, but somehow got infected so I have a nicely swollen ankle now. The NMT nurse prescribed me antibiotics, so I'll be okay, but...ow! D8 Stupid bugs.

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