Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today, in approximately two hours, I will arrive at a river surrounded by a decent stretch of woodland and proceed to frolick about in it for an unknown amount of time.
At least, that's all I know about it. Everyone else who has been forced on this trip fails to mention what they actual do when they're there; just that it's fun, you're frolicking in a forest. How much cooler does it get than that? I mean, you'll get assaulted by various plants, likely pick up tons of dirt and mud on perfectly decent clothes, be mutilated by thousands of tiny little insects, and perhaps die of a massive allergy attack because of the sheer amount of blooming plant life that's around this time of year. It really does seem like a good time. And you have to go on this, otherwise...well, I don't really know what will happen. I'll fail my Biology class? Well, I don't really need it to graduate, though I wouldn't appreciate failing it after all my hard work...
It doesn't really matter that neither me nor ninety five percent of my teacher's Biology classes will never do jobs like this for a living, nor do exercises like this in college. I mean, you might think we'll do stuff like this, but really, does a med student need to learn frolicking skills? Does someone like me who's likely going to end up doing lab work her entire career need to learn frolicking skills?
Well, forget my frolicking fearfulness, I'm going to freaking frolick with the rest of the clueless frolickers until I can frolick with the best of them. Never mind I'm never going to actually use this in my lifetime. It's a forest, right? We get to frolick in it.

I think I'm going to do really well on the satire project in my Creative Writing class.

'Frolick' used approximately ten times. Oh no, I'm becoming unable to use a thesaurus...see what the frolicking has done to me? It's ruining my mind... >_>

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